Deb Roseman and Harley had an amazing time at AKC Invitationals! Overall they scored 395 out of a possible 400 having just one wrong course over the weekend. They placed 44th amongst 139 16" jumping dogs and had they not had the ONE FAULT would have made finals!
Deb Roseman and Harley kicked the month off participating in a day of USDAA agility at the High Octane trial in Barto PA on November 10th. They won Masters STD and took 2nd place in Steeplechase! The following weekend at the AKC JAG trial they picked up 2 more QQs (total of 12 now!), finished their MXB title (25 masters STD Qs), won T2B for 10 more points towards T2B2, and picked up a few more Premier Super Qs! They are now gearing up for AKC INVITATIONALS in December!
Becky reports: Ellie first place Advanced Gamblers last Sunday at the Keystone Agility Club!
Charlene Bridgwood reports: Gremlin had a fantastic weekend not only finishing his USDAA MAD title (Master Agility Dog) placing first in 20” Standard, 3rd in Masters Pairs and 2nd in Steeplechase winning some cash for dinner. Well OK, lunch anyway. Many thanks to Sherrie for all her help training me to train Gremlin. It’s a good thing I’m not late for lessons, but still hear “your late Your late” during my lessons!
Deb Roseman and Harley attended the Terrier Trials and whooped terrier butt with a first place in all of Masters STD, Premier STD (a super q) and T2B! This not only qualifies them for AKC Agility Nationals in Tulsa but ALSO qualifes them for World Team Tryouts!!
From Patsy Sullivan: So proud of Mackenzie my Bearded Collie! She achieved her AKC Mach award at the recent DVGSDC show. The next day she Double Qed again and got a 1st place in Premier Standard. Special Thanks to Sherri Wilkes for all her expertise and patience. She has been with us on this journey from Day 1 and every week continues to help us improve our skills! Thank You Sherrie!!!!!
From Kara Kingsbury: PDCH Fiji Performance tournament Master Bronze Fiji earned September 28th weekend at Touch And Go USDAA. Becky Janicek reports: Ellie earned her USDAA Agility Dog (AD) title on September 9, 2018 at the Orchard Hills trial in Barto, PA
Deb Roseman and Harley obtained their MXJ at the Bayshore trials at the end of September. They also achieved their first Premier STD Super Q and their first Premier JWW Q!
Deb Roseman and Harley obtained their AKC MASTER FAST title at Kruisin' Kanines. The next day they got their 8th QQ towards MACH with placements!
JULY 2018
Deb Roseman and Harley are invited to AKC Agility Invitationals as the #3 Staffordshire Bull Terrier! Deb and Harley have only been in Masters for a small portion of the qualifying period!
Terry and All-American, Dasher, had a great day at the 3D Dog Training Club's CPE trial on July 8. They Q'ed in Jumpers and Jackpot, and won the 20" class in Standard.
Zanya Gissler reports Kira Bing and Whin‘ won their height classes in AKC FAST and Standard at the Lower Camden trial. Bing won all 4 of his classes.
Deb Roseman and Harley played some CPE and finished their Level 3 Strategy title. They are now competing in Level 5 in all classes except Colors!
JUNE 2018
Lisa Anne Zilney reports GHF's Southern Comfort "Tennessen", handled by Lisa Anne Zilney, earned his ADCH on June 10, 2018 at the age of 3.5 Two weeks later, he placed 1st in 24" Steeplechase at the Canadian Regionals, and his DAM Team "Ten Amps Makes My Zipper Fly" earned 2nd Super thanks to Sherrie for the many, many skills she has taught us!
Deb Roseman and Harley got their first ever SUPER Q in USDAA Masters Snooker! ADCH here we come!
Kara Anne reports Fiji earned her performance master standard at Keystone in June!
MAY 2018
Deb Roseman and Harley attended the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America National Specialty (where she was the performance chair). Harley was the Top Time To Beat Stafford!
From Cindy Schmitt: At the Princeton trial on May 19 Torin and I qualified three out of four runs. We got a Premier Standard and a Premier JWW, along with a Masters JWW leg.
APRIL 2018
Leo and Cathy Kelly earned their AKC Masters Jumpers title In April 2018. Good dog!!
Cindy Schmitt and Torin finished their Open Fast and Master Agility titles!
Harley and Deb Roseman finished their T2B title in AKC!
Bing A Ling with Zanya Gissler got his MAD (Master Agility Dog) title in USDAA!!!! Yay Good Boy!!
MARCH 2018
Charlene and Gremlin just moved up to Masters in USDAA and competed at the Orchard Hills trial qualifying in Master Gamblers, placing first in Master Standard and not only sitting in first place Steeplechase but finished finals 1st as well. Gremlin graciously paid for dinner that night too!
On February 24th Deb Roseman and Harley got their 10th Q in AKC MASTERS STANDARD achieving their MX title!
On February 4th Deb Roseman and Harley decided to do some UKI and won both of their Speedstakes Classes as well as Jumpers!
On February 3rd at the SOJAC AKC trial, Deb Roseman and Harley got their first Masters QQ and are now on their way to MACH!
On February 2nd at the SOJAC AKC trial, Deb Roseman and Harley finally got that last JWW Q to finish their AXJ!
Jody Reardon and Telly Q'd and were 5th in Team at the Midatlantic Madness trial. They also won Performance Speed Jumping Round 1!
Jody Reardon and baby Trey attended Sequencing Camp and exceeded expectations!
USDAA TOP DOG results are out for 2017 and Bing is a Top 10 Snooker Dog! Congratulations Zanya!
Zanya and BIng came in 5th out of 20 teams at the USDAA Mid Atlantic Madness team trial in January. We also came in 2nd in Steeplechase and 2nd in the finals and won some cash monies!
Charlene and Gremlin finished their USDAA Advanced Agility Dog (AAD) title 1/14/18. Thanks for all your help Sherrie!
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